Devon Shurden
Devon Shurden was my personal trainer in Houston. We became friends and went out for drinks sometimes. I suppose that isn't something you do with your trainer, haha, but we had a good time. We did many photo shoots together over the years. He was always somewhat shy and never promoted his images. I will say that some of the best shots I ever did for The Dapper Style were with Devon.
We kept in contact for the 7 years after I left Houston. This year I planned a trip to Houston to see him but that didn't go well. He asked me to come on a weekend so we could hang out. I asked if we could do another photo shoot while I was there. He enthusiastically agreed so I packed my camera. The day I got there he called and acted like he didn't have time to hang out. We met up and he told me he forgot to tell his wife (I think it's more of a sugar mama) so he couldn't hang out long. We had a couple beers, went to a new BBQ place and stopped for a couple cocktails. It was 4 hours and he was gone. We never did the photo shoot.
I probably won't talk to him again which is sad because I thought we were friends. Time changes things, sadly.
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